Category: Omnichannel
This is a business model and content strategy between channels that companies use to improve their user experience.

When it comes to campaign investments, it is necessary to get the most out of every dollar you invest. And if you work with a multichannel strategy, it is important to know your results on all platforms (radio, digital TV, ads, etc.). That’s when Decidata becomes your best ally, especially if you do Moment Marketing. …

Over the years, all needs and preferences of people have changed. But there is also another thing changing: The marketing strategies. Through this search for channels to reach customers, the companies realized that positioning themselves in a single channel, was not enough. That’s when Omnichannel Marketing Strategy is born, in order to offer the most …
Continue reading “Omnichannel Marketing Strategy – How to connect the online and the offline world?”

Talking about a good strategy focused on performance has to be integral. But, what does this mean? It means that all the strategies that involve the business target, can work as a team. Starting from this vision, not only digital marketing specialists and their variants, but also those who manage offline media, must join forces …