LDM Marketing Digital y Business Intelligence

CRM in Panama – What is it about and how we use it?

CRM are the initials for Costumer Relations Management, refering to software dedicated to managing information and interactions with customers, to offer efficient support. There are many CRM solutions, as well as the benefits of using them in your digital strategy; not only to optimize response time and processes, but also for what this means for customers, who will have higher levels of satisfaction.

Let’s see how CRM works for you and what is the status of CRM in Panama.

Benefits of CRM

Among the reasons why we could convince you to use a CRM tool, we list the most attractive ones:

The CRM, then, not only improves the times and response capacity of customer service requests, but it also allows you to have better control over your information. By standardizing the system of references, traces and the way how you control the information of potential and real customers, you can improve sales in a given period.

There is also the social CRM, which not only does all of the above, but incorporates the benefits and functionalities of social networks, which allows you to monitor your interactions with customers through these means, and getting to know more details about interests of both customers and leads.

Definitely, CRM is a way to provide a more complete service to your client, as well as Performance Marketing.

CRM in Panama, are we there yet?

In Panama, as in all Latin America, especially in the central region, Mexico and Brazil, the CRM is booming. The penetration of digital technologies, as well as the adoption of social platforms and the growth in the use of the Internet, for social purposes, as well as for e-commerce, has fostered the search for measures that solve the needs of customers and can allow better organization and leads tracking.

In fact, the Panamanian government used the FreeCRM tool to implement it in the Social Security Fund. Due to the high response demand from this institution, the CRM was the immediate response, which increased the volume of satisfactory responses. It is estimated that around 3.5 million Panamanian citizens will benefit from the implementation of the CRM.

The popularity of CRM in Panama can also be seen in what happened at the Business Fair of the Technological University of Panama, in which students of the subject of “Management Information Systems” developed and applied a CRM system that allowed them to create and manage a company and interpersonal relationships with the clients.

This particular event, showed the popularity of CRM in Panama, where it is becoming increasingly important to maintain a relationship with customers that promote brand loyalty, as well as the person-to-person recommendation. A good deal is returned in a process of repurchase, as well as word of mouth, something highly desirable by any company.

Get trained in CRM to provide solutions like this to your customers.

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